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According to the EPA, the average price of tap water in America is approximately $2 per 1,000 gallons. Which means that a 16 oz. glass of water will run you about 3 hundredths of a cent–and it’s delivered right into your house, on demand, 24 hours a day. So how did it become reasonable–fashionable, even–to buy the same product at prices higher than milk or gasoline?

Since the early 20th century, when advances in engineering and chemistry enabled cities to process and distribute safe, clean drinking water to millions of residents, bottled water has been seen primarily as an indulgence of wealthy elites.

However, in the last couple decades, bottled water has had a remarkable resurgence, thanks largely to rising concerns over the health risks of sugary drinks.

We at Soft Water Nevada have a great solution to the surging prices of bottled water. We provide a solution not to patch the issue but to resolve the problem. We have a variety of water systems for homes and business that will provide a resolution tailored to every needs. We provide the best warranty in the industry to give you peace of mind. Give us a call at (702) 241-9000 or Contact us with your detailed inquiry.

As sales of Coke and Pepsi have declined,these companies are trying to make up the difference by encouraging consumers to buy bottled water as a healthy alternative.

In 1975, the average American only drank about a gallon and a half of bottled water a year. Today, that figure is around 30 gallons! At Soft Water Nevada, we have a water system that can produce 50 gallons a day of bottled water quality, filter can be replaced 2x a year, and membrane every 4-6 years based on a family of four. This a gamechanger in the Las vegas community considering Las Vegas water is considered as the 3rd worst in the nation.

In 2016, sales of bottled water surpassed even soda, but tap water remains bottled water’s biggest competitor, with a price advantage that seems hard to beat. But now, Soft Water Nevada can provide the service that Las Vegas community can take advantage of.