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Only water softeners soften water.

Recently there has been a lot of buzz about about “No-Salt” water gadgets and “Salt- Free” water devices advertised on TV and promoted by plumbing companies. The implied (and often stated) message is that you can get the benefits of SOFT WATER without a water softener. This is simply not true – there aren’t any effective “Salt-Free” alternatives for water softening.
Laboratory tests by third parties (like the Army Corp of Engineers) indicate that these alternative “No-Salt” gadgets do not “soften” the water. The claims that these devices effectively eliminate scale have also been de-bunked in laboratory tests.

Soft Water works:
Soft water reduces soap use by up to 75%. This was proven in recent tests by the Battelle group. Soft water effectively (and measurably) reduces scale build up in hot water heaters.


Soft water dramatically reduces water spots on glassware and shower doors—you can see the results.
Soft water leaves hair silky and skin soft — it is the foundation of beauty care. Clever ads and customer anecdotes are no substitute for the rigors of laboratory testing. If you are considering a “Salt-Free” water gadget for your home or business you really need to get the facts first.
And the fact is you can only get the real benefits of soft water – from a water softener.
The Research
Laboratory tests by independent third parties suggest that magnetic water treatment devices do not deliver the benefits of soft water. Additionally, third party research has consistently concluded that these products do not work in all water conditions nor in a consistent predictable way. Don’t just believe us. Believe the Independent Third Party Research!
A combination of 34 reports through the Water Quality Association (WQA) Task Force indicates that physical water treatment does not work in a consistent and predictable way.
Army Corp of Engineers tested two magnetic (Descal-A-Matic and Aqua Magnetic) and one electronic device (Ener Tec) in 2001.
The findings do not support the claims of the manufacturers regarding the ability of their respective devices prevent mineral scale formation in hot potable water systems.
WQA determined no performance test standard for Physical Treatment Devices exists in the US for “Salt Free” devices.

Penn State University states there is virtually no valid scientific data to support any water treatment benefit from magnetic devices. Companies use testimonials from “hundreds of satisfied customers” to support their claims.
Purdue University tested 6 unidentified magnetic water conditioning devices and compared them to untreated water. Testing lasted for 240 days. No beneficial effect was seen for the magnetic treatment devices.
South Dakota Magnet School of Mines & Technology tested two different classes of magnetic water treatment devices. Measurements included boiling point depression, surface tension, water conductivity and “scaling Rate”. No difference seen between raw water and magnets.
The University of Michigan tested five different systems that claim to “reduce the molecular structure” of water, thus enabling the user to receive the benefits of soft water without the use of chloride. (Salt or Potassium)
They proved that while the molecular structure is slightly changed, they hardness mineral ARE NOT REMOVED, thus the claim of “soft water without salt” has been completely debunked.